Product Set Errors for Facebook Ads

EasyAutoTagging cannot process ads associated with a product set if the product set is invalid.

However, to process ads with product sets please makes sure you are using a valid product set. In addition, ensure that the catalog and product set is properly linked to your ad account.

Here are some common product set errors:


Not enough items in your product set.

Rejected Items in your product set

Product availability

To many product groups


You can read more about Facebook’s Product Set requirements here

Once you have made these changes you can reprocess any affected ads directly from your Data Connector dashboard 👇



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Error details: Fatal : Insufficient products in product set for collection : The product set you've selected does not have enough products to feature in a collection. Select a product set with at least 4 unique products. Only one variation of a particular product in a product group, such as color or size, will be shown. Learn more about product groups here: {url}