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How To Improve B2B Lead Generation and Get Higher Quality Leads

Written by: EasyAutoTagging Staff Read time 7 minutes Effective B2B lead generation is the lifeblood of sales development. Without a steady flow of qualified leads there is no demand for a product leaving the sales team with an empty sales pipeline. What is B2B Lead Generation B2B lead generation drives prospective leads to your organization’s […]

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Driving Marketing Success: The Power of Reverse ETL in ROI Growth

Written by: Gabriel Solberg Read time 7 minutes ETL (Extract Transform and Load) solutions are designed to centralize data across products and software into a single data warehouse to create one source of truth. Reverse ETL is the inverse process. With reverse ETL, the goal is to send customizable data models and identifiers from your […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Facebook CAPI Integration for Salesforce

Written by: EasyAutoTagging Staff Read time 3 minutes Advertising on Facebook has become an essential part of any digital marketing strategy due to its extensive targeting options, large user base, and advanced analytics. However, to ensure maximum ROI from your B2B Facebook ads, it’s crucial to have a reliable and robust data integration system in place. […]

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