Feature Updates

August 2022

New Bing Ads Google Analytics Integration

We’re excited to announce the release of our new Bing Ads (Microsoft Ads) integration for UTM tagging and cost data imports, which allows you to measure Bing Ads conversion CPL and ROAS on the network and keyword breakdown in Google Analytics. With dynamic {Network} and {keyword:default} values, similar to our dynamic values for Facebook Ads, you can gain more granular insights into your Bing Ads performance and measure CPL and ROAS on the placement breakdown in Google Analytics.

April 2022

After our initial soft launch, we are now officially rolling out our Salesforce Facebook Ads Integration. With the Salesforce integration, you can optimize Facebook ads using real-time Salesforce events. Linking Salesforce enables Facebook to directly optimize for quality conversion signals from your source of truth, Salesforce.

February 2022

Similarly, to our update in early January, we have added account level Email notification controls to give you more control and ensure that the right person is receiving the right notification across your team.

January 2022

In this feature update, we introduce our new URL Parameter builder. You can now concatenate static and dynamic URL Parameter values and customize the delimiter with an underscore, space, or dash in a simple drag and reorder interface.

After hearing your feedback we recently added a quality of life improvement. Now you can control who on your team receives Data Connector Email Updates.

December 2021

This feature update includes improved processing speeds and new plan and account limits.

September 2021

We are excited to release two new premium features; Dynamic Data Connectors and Clear Cost Data Sets.

April 2021

After listening to customer feedback we recently made some additional improvements to increase Data Connector visibility.

March 2021

EasyAutoTagging’s feature updates including a revamped and updated notification system and system wide backend improvements.

Feature Roadmap – Current and Upcoming Projects

  • TikTok Integration – In Progress
  • Snapchat Integration – Next
  • LinkedIn Integration
  • Google Ads Integration
  • Twitter Ads Integration
  • Taboola/Outbrain Integration