
Will TikTok Remain Ad Free & Other News

Welcome to this edition of the EasyAutoTagging newsletter! It’s no secret that digital marketing moves fast and here are some of the most recent updates:

  • Is Blockchain going to save advertising?
  • YouTube can now measure sales lift
  • Facebook will migrate all bidding to Campaign level bidding
  • A picture is worth a 1000 words…
  • Will TikTok remain ad-free?

Obviously, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover. So let’s get started!


The end of Ad Fraud is near [sort of]


Did someone find a way to make Blockchain useful in advertising?


Source: The Next Scoop


It seems so…by making sure that the demand side and supply side upload data to a ‘shared ledger’; while it doesn’t remove the issue of fraud, it helps identify it.

The results: It’s the first step in identifying ad fraud, but how can DSPs and SSPs use blockchain technology to improve campaigns and remove fraud beyond identifying it?

We are excited to see how this space will develop.

Read More: A successful field test for blockchain-based ad optimization


Show me some sales lift!



The tricky part about awareness campaigns is measurement. I mean, yeah, marketers get it, but a client spending the $$$ sometimes needs more data to back it up and rightfully so.


Source: MartechToday


Welcome new ways to measure sales lift on YouTube: Google has extended sales lift measurement to Nielsen Catalina Solutions, enabling consumer packaged goods advertisers in the United States to help them measure how effective their YouTube campaigns are at moving products off the shelves.

Learn more: New Ways to Measure Sales Lift on YouTube


Who wants control anyways?


Goodbye control ✌️ Facebook we trust you…welcome campaign level bidding 😀


Source: SearchEngineJournal


Let’s take a closer look:

  • Currently, bids are defined on the ad set level.
  • Facebook announced that starting in September advertisers will only be able to control bidding on the campaign level.
  • You can still control maximum and minimum budgets on the ad set level.

What this means for Advertisers: Its another step further from manually controlling campaigns and a step closer to automation. Facebook do everything for me, please 💁🏽

Read More: Facebook is Changing the Way Advertisers Set Campaign Budgets


A picture is worth a 1000 words…


Source: Yoast


…and search engines agree. Optimizing images for visual search is a must. So, take Yoast’s advice and be sure to:


  • Use structured data where relevant: mark up your images
  • Use alt attributes to describe the images
  • Find unique images — not stock photos
  • Make them high quality if you want AI to figure out what’s on it
  • Add them in a relevant place, where they provide context to the text
  • Use descriptive filenames, not IMG168393.jpg
  • Add captions where necessary
  • Use the right sized images
  • Always compress them!


Why it’s important: As the machine is getting smarter, we need to smartify our content, more specifically images so that we are optimized for visual search.

Read More: Visual search: The future is now


Will TikTok remain ad-free?


No you greedy advertisers (myself included) you cannot inundate TikTok with ads…yet.


Source: TechCrunch


Ok, we spoke too soon 🤷 ads are being tested in the platform. Some of the ad products in the works from a leaked deck are:


  • Brand takeover
  • In-feed native video ads
  • Hashtag challenge
  • Snapchat-style 2D lens filters for photos


With nearly 800,000 million lifetime installs, Advertisers can’t wait to get their hands on another shiny object.





Deterministic Attribution [for some]


Kochava launches deterministic attribution for the mobile web by attaching cookies to device IDs for a better understanding of mobile web ads on app installs.


Source: Kochava


What you need to know: First, let’s define deterministic vs. probabilistic data. Deterministic is when a platform can (with 100% accuracy) determine the user across devices or IDs. Probabilistic is when attribution can be inferred with a subset of data that is large enough to establish statistically significant user behavior.

Caveats: Unsurprisingly, there are some caveats. The first party cookie is only valid for ~30 days. The cookie and ID match can only happen at the second visit. as on the first visit, it only collects and matches. As such, it is only possible to measure deterministic attribution if a user clicks an ad then goes to install it or if a user clicks on an ad within the app.

What does this mean for advertisers: Although not a holistic attribution solution, Kochava’s deterministic attribution can help you understand what ads are effectively driving app installs.

Learn More: Kochava launches deterministic attribution for mobile web


Are you leveraging the power of LinkedIn?


The social network for professionals has reached $610 million members. If you are a B2B marketer you cannot ignore the potential of Linkedin.


Source: Social Media Today


LinkedIn knows the value of their audience, hence a super high CPM floor 🤨 , however, the extreme relevance of its user base can make this a valuable paid channel for B2B marketing.

Learn More: LinkedIn Reaches 610 Million Members, Publishes New eBook on Social Media Management Tips



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