Tag: Supermetrics

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Supermetrics – The #1 Reporting Tool for Digital Marketers

Written by: Gabe Solberg Read time 9 minutes Before we take an insider look at Supermetrics (https://supermetrics.com/) let’s review the disadvantages of the current reporting landscape. As digital marketers, we are always on the lookout for the perfect reporting tool. A simple tool that will blend data across channels and produce cohesive dashboards. All this, […]

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Google Data Studio Facebook Reporting [The Complete Guide]

Written by: Gabriel Solberg Read time 13 minutes How does Google Data Studio Facebook Ads Reporting work? Don’t expect a straightforward answer. Data Studio is part of the Google product stack and Facebook isn’t. So naturally, there won’t be a built-in integration.     However, with a combination of free and low-cost tools. You can […]

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